May 2013- more predator problems

why so hard? You could ask me how this small scale farming life is at any given moment, on any given day, I would nearly always have a different answer. Most days are just lots of enjoyable hard work, awesome self-employment with my sweetie, enjoying the outdoors. Today though, I’d say it’s rough, frustrating and hopeless. Most days are not like this, but it’s been a hard day. We’re having predator problems. These problems began the first spring we were farming here. This is our 3rd spring here and we continue to battle the assorted nightime predators. Raccoons and weasels/mink. We had … Continue reading May 2013- more predator problems

milking, goat babies, eating from the farm

baby frenzy 2012 Doing the doula time with the goat mommas paid off and we have had a total of 11 kids born since January. It’s been absolutely insane, no or little sleep or passing out on the couch to wake to hungry baby cries at 2:30am. Midnight vigils in the goat shed, waiting for water to break, clean towel on my arm and coaching mom the whole way through. There were a few births that seemed potentially problematic, but they all worked their way through, of course right when I panicked and ran inside, reading over and over in … Continue reading milking, goat babies, eating from the farm

5 year plan

5 year plan In past job interviews, I remember getting asked “what’s your 5 year plan?” Employers want to know if you’re planning to have kids next year, go travel the world for a few random months, or buckle down and become a dedicated worker. They can’t straight up ask these things, for fear of discrimination….but what IS your 5 year plan? You will only have one go at this life and this thing called living. What do you really, truly, want to be doing in 5 years? And what about in 10? And most importantly, how are you going … Continue reading 5 year plan