cold birds

It’s 2am and -4 degrees out. NEGATIVE FOUR! I just woke up to collect eggs, stoke the woodstove and sit thinking. We’ve been harvesting turkeys, chickens and started in the geese yesterday. It’s been wretchedly cold out, but there’s always a silver lining- it has not been windy and yesterday we even had a sunny day. Wednesday we worked on harvesting the 64 chickens and got them all finished. I always feel a hole in my heart when the Bubsters leave. I adore them, but aren’t they lovely to look at all cleaned and bagged, off to feed many customers … Continue reading cold birds

July 2013- goose project review and turkey camping

the goose fancier Fancier: : one that has a special liking or interest 2 : a person who breeds or grows a particular animal or plant for points of excellence <a pigeon fancier> So, in February, we got this flock of 40 geese because this guy was losing his place to foreclosure. He needed someone to take them ASAP. He waited until the last minute, which I find very irresponsible, as these were his babies and he’d been raising them for 10 years. With the help of our neighbors, we brought them home to our farm, visions of hatching out 100’s of goslings dancing in … Continue reading July 2013- goose project review and turkey camping

turkey love, fall garden starts (july 2012)

turkey love The 45 Thanksgiving turkey babies moved to the big pasture today. A week ago, their heads were still fuzzy, they looked just like little chickens and would easily have been able to scoot right through the big pasture fence. But today they were ready. Their heads and necks were about to become naked, and that is a good sign for “big enough to be out in the great outdoors.” The turkey babies have been living outdoors for about a month in chicken tractors which we moved to fresh grass each day. The success with their early training about … Continue reading turkey love, fall garden starts (july 2012)