Dec 2012, our intro to the frac sand industry

snow pants Our house has a hard time holding in warmth now that the temperature outside has dropped to the negative numbers, so I’ve resorted to wearing my snow pants indoors. But even then, I’m chilly and restless. Time to seek out something hard to do. It’s sunny, still and a crispy 13 degrees today. Perfect winter weather for getting things done outdoors. I decide to unload a bunch of hay bales for the ducks’ needs over the next weeks. Most of it was put into a building-sized pile next to the rabbit barn. The ugly looking pile is barricaded … Continue reading Dec 2012, our intro to the frac sand industry

October 2012 state inspectors, heart attack, stay-cation

4 cups to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon Wisconsin is the Dairy State. In order to do anything dairy related (unless it is for your own consumption,) you need a proper, legally licensed setup. I did some research. Without a dairy barn to retrofit, we’re looking at 100’s of thousands of dollars to construct such a facility. How much milk would we need to produce and sell to cover that kind of debt? Guess that’s out of the picture for a long while. I hate the concept of being deep in debt. And scaling up on goats just … Continue reading October 2012 state inspectors, heart attack, stay-cation

2012 goat plans and mayhem

farming together Andrew’s helping a friend of ours out on a construction project for a couple days. This leaves me to tend to things. Previously, in other months of the year, I’d be unfazed, but now I can tell you that it is not easy to deal with a farm on your own. At least not this farm. When he left this very hot and humid afternoon, I felt in control. Making kimchi in the house, bottling up beer, checking on the animals. But then 6pm came. Milking time is usually a joint affair. Not that Andrew is milking with … Continue reading 2012 goat plans and mayhem