August 2013- overwhelmed and owls

Garlic and scrambled duck eggs for breakfast, I made these honey fridge pickles yesterday and still have 10 gallons of green beans to deal with, garlic’s out and curing, 6 beds to clear and seed/transplant (napa babies need to get planted ASAP!) into, the shed’s done and gone and look at all the open space, and we’re getting a new oven/stove today, hay to unload on Sat or Sunday, then CSA apple time begins! August, really? Yep, we have like a month to go before the first frost date. I cannot even believe that! I was JUST planning out this … Continue reading August 2013- overwhelmed and owls

Dec 2012, our intro to the frac sand industry

snow pants Our house has a hard time holding in warmth now that the temperature outside has dropped to the negative numbers, so I’ve resorted to wearing my snow pants indoors. But even then, I’m chilly and restless. Time to seek out something hard to do. It’s sunny, still and a crispy 13 degrees today. Perfect winter weather for getting things done outdoors. I decide to unload a bunch of hay bales for the ducks’ needs over the next weeks. Most of it was put into a building-sized pile next to the rabbit barn. The ugly looking pile is barricaded … Continue reading Dec 2012, our intro to the frac sand industry

Chapter 26 – new year planning

We hunkered down in our little home for the winter, cozy with love and warmed by the woodstove. The plan was hatched to get married on the farm that summer, amidst all the craziness of our our first season really farming together. Our seed orders were placed and perennial food crop rhizomes and rootstock ordered, and all of the gardening plans started to form. All that we had to base our planning on was what each of us had learned at our previous our very small scale gardens.  Andrew had gardened in a very rich and well prepared soil, and … Continue reading Chapter 26 – new year planning